Enter Textsilverpalatefeeders.com                                       simonebwilson@gmail.com

2023 Show Listings

*check back for updates*

These shows are currently on Debby's calendar. Her calendar is always changing.

She has participated in multiple shows on the East coast from Savannah, Ga. to Connecticut.

Please contact her with information about participating in an event in your area.

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October 7...Monroe, NC...Holiday Craft Show

235 Hanover Drive, Monroe, NC


October 13-15...High Point, NC...Boxwood

520 Hamilton St...High Point, NC


October 21...Pinehurst, NC...Holly Arts

Village of Pinehurst


October 27-29...Lake Norman, NC...LAST


Friday 10a-6p

Saturday 10a-6p

Sunday Noon-5p